RPAS Heroes is committed to empowering our service veterans, military personnel, and emergency service professionals with the skills needed to excel in the rapidly growing field of Robotics, Remote and Autonomous Systems. However, we can't do it alone. We rely on the generosity and support of individuals, corporations, and the wider community. Here's how you can help:


Your financial contributions directly support the development and delivery of our programs. You can make a one-time donation or set up a monthly contribution. Every donation, large or small, makes a difference and helps us provide our heroes with the training they need.

Corporate Sponsorship

If you're a business looking to make a significant impact, consider becoming a corporate sponsor. Corporate sponsorship opportunities can range from funding a specific program, contributing to our technological resources, or sponsoring an individual's complete training.


Partnerships with tech companies, educational institutions, or other organizations are invaluable. We're always looking for partners who can provide additional resources, expertise, or employment opportunities for our program graduates.


We welcome volunteers who can support our mission in various ways. Whether it's helping with administration, teaching, or mentorship, there are numerous ways to contribute your time and skills.

Spread the Word

Even if you can't contribute financially, you can help by spreading the word about RPAS Heroes. Share our mission with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know about us, the more heroes we can support.

Remember, every bit of support helps us move closer to our goal of empowering our heroes with the skills for a better future. Join us in making a difference today.